Tuesday, August 20, 2024

My Novel is out August 31st

The Last Will & Testament of HARLEY and His DOG sees the light of day on August 31st.

 Click HERE to get your copy.

Monday, July 1, 2024


 Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I've published my third novel, which IMHO is the most unusal sci-fi novel ever written. Most alien invsion novels are dramas about the underdog (Earth) prevailing over bloodthirsty aliens. But where do you see said aliens taking it immediately in the neck by us? Check out the link at CLICK HERE and tell me whether you agree with my hubris.

The first 8 chapters of were submitted as a short story and won SILVER in the Writers of the Future competition. So I decided to turn it into a full-blown novel.

The Last Will & Testament of HARLEY and His DOG is available to pre-order for delivery on August 31st. I've delayed the release so pre-orders can make a big one-day impact at Amazon.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

GREAT Guerrilla Wafare Story: How A Librarian Can Make World-wide Headlines Running for Mayor


Think abaout it. You're a librarian tech geek. You want to run for mayor in Cheyenne, Wyoming. How do you make world-wide headlines to get yourself known? 

Answer: Make the city think an AI BOT is runing for mayor. Here's the link from today's UK Register (read it here). 

Well done, #victormiller, you raw meat eater you!

Yes, there is a way to break through the noise level, even in this political season.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

My first home computer, circa 1976

 I got my first home computer in 1976. The PDP-11/34 looked like three refrigerators stacked side by side, and had two washing-machine-size hard drives that each at 5MB of memory. It required special air conditioning in my den. It had 16 phone lines coming into a RSTS system I used to run for congress. It sported a magnetic tape drive on which I loaded voter registration lists for my district, and a dot-matrix printer on which I produced mailing labels for postcards. I think it was quite advanced for its time.

Here's Frank Herbert in my computer room signing his novel The Dosadi Experiment for my young son, Matthew (Matthew is now a senior data scientist for Sony). Frank talked me into running for congress in 1978. Hey, Frank got me 47% of the vote, which wasn't quite enough. So I started my career in guerrilla warfare advertising.

Frank said I reminded him of his fictional character Jorj X. McKie in his short story, The Tactful Saboteur. Well, someday I'll be…uh…tactful.

Enjoy the summer, one and all.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

My Television Interview on Guerrilla Warfare

 Out of the blue, I received an invitation to speak for a few minutes on my "misspent youth" doing guerrilla warfare for the likes of Oracle and Salesforce.com. Being a shameless self promoter, how could I refuse? And who knows? Maybe a literary agent will see this and wonder about my sci-fi novels.
